Tuesday, September 2, 2008

thinking hard when you’re not suppose to...

I planned to hear the 6am mass here in our village for a change. It’s my birthday yesterday and I wanted to do something different. So I set the alarm at around 5:30 the night earlier. Before it went on doing its ascending shrill of “Yeah” by Usher alarm tune, I was already awakened by a call. A long distance call! Yes, it was Tina. We talked around for more than 10 minutes. Not the usual Hi – How are you? - Goodbye conversation. It was a Hi – Happy Birthday – How are you? – Bye one! I know it will cost her, but hey! It’s MY day, that’s why.

After that expensive 13 minutes and 43 second talk, I decided to linger around for a moment. Thought mainly about what my life has been and had become. I was looking back to the year just passed. Took a couple of deep breaths, did my occasional morning procastination and just thought, hey, I had a blast! A multicolored year with some frowns and bum-outs!!

It was not a very long linger time, believe me, because I kinda fell asleep (again)! Wooopss, and totally forgot about attending church! Sigh! Still the normal me, a sleepyhead! Hmmm..

Then I woke up, thought about our little chat that morning because Tina asked me, what would you change now you’re 29? My, oh my, what to CHANGE?!? A toughie!

Well, I didn’t immediately answer her when she dropped the bomb there. It was one of those Million dollars, hard to answer, mind blowing questions. And it was only 9am! Ha-ha. Still too early for me to think! Duh!

But what came out of my mind was a bleeder! Didn’t even understand that I thought of “nothing” at first, when I know I distinctively should or would change something about me. Clock was ticking and i was just shooting blanks. Well, CHANGE is such a big word! True! Com’on, Give me a slack here!

And now, another day has ended and still, I can’t think of an answer to her simple and precise question: What shall I change about me now I’m a year older?? Think Ceejay, think!

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