Thursday, September 4, 2008

You can stop smoking

Smokers: BEWARE!

Smoking is an addiction (uhh, yeah!). Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive and can make it very hard, but not impossible, to quit. According to research, more than 400,000 deaths in the U.S. alone each year are from smoking-related illnesses. Smoking greatly increases your risks for lung cancer and many other cancers.

Smoking harms not just the smoker, but also family members, coworkers and others who breathe the smoker's cigarette smoke, called secondhand smoke.

FYI: If both parents smoke, a teenager is more than twice as likely to smoke than a young person whose parents are both non-smokers. In households where only one parent smokes, young people are also more likely to start smoking. But you know, you can stop smoking !

So QUIT SMOKING! Quitting smoking makes a difference right away - you can taste and smell food better. Your breath smells better. Your cough goes away. This happens for men and women of all ages, even those who are older. It happens for healthy people as well as those who already have a disease or condition caused by smoking. Plus, quitting smoking saves money.. hahaha!

Here's a teaser for you all smokers.. The attached picture is a ceiling mural made for YOU. Well, it really does paint a thousand words..


tuktukbkk said...

Really nice blog, Congratulation!

Jamie Sue said...

You know... when I was a smoker (I've quit) it was speeches like this that kept me smoking. Maybe it's the rebel in me, but I've always liked doing what I'm not suppose to. I think it's true for most people. I found that cold hard statistics -sans rhetoric- were the most motivating.